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Jul 7, 2020 SHUNT MOD EBIKE Find a Bike. Determine the Motor Type / Wattage. Find Some Batteries. Build the Battery and Test. Gonna Need to Store... b8d0503c82 rosdaig
ZB500w+ Speed Boost from 48V to 60V with shunt MOD. Addition of a 12V 20AH SLA Battery to the 48V .... 3080 fe shunt mod. ... 2020 19:04 EST Shunt mod ebike Lovatics react to Demi Lovato's 'Dancing With ... I also did the shunt mod to the card while I had it apart.. Oct 19, 2018 Learn how to build a safe and fast electric bicycle with this guide! ... the last few watts to get to 40mph doing a shunt mod on the controller.